
ENG: We have chosen to show a selection of fabrics from our stock, that has the best product model and fabric combination. Our fabric selection consists of 53 different quality, that is put into price categories. Smaller number shows a smaller price. These fabrics are available without a waiting time.

We also offer Bellfire-Lauritzon special collection which was selected from Europe’s most known producers. We have 8 different designs and very broad colour selection, so you can find what you are looking for.

Our selection:

  1. Ateljé
  2. Alice
  3. Andy
  4. Cascais
  5. Diamonds
  6. Dylan
  7. Manhattan
  8. Mari
  9. Flair

You can see the rest of the Lauritzon collection in the Bellfire Tartu salon. Lauritzon fabrics are also here: https://lauritzon.fi/en/ 

Also check out our suggestions how to choose a suitable fabric for you from our useful info link. If you want to use your own fabric, please let us know.

The whole fabric selection is out in our salon in Tartu, Riia 142.

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