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The Tofu is a stylish and elegant armchair that wraps you in its soft embrace. The rounded silhouette, the unique legs, and the softness and tenderness of the upholstery are what make Tofu, Tofu. A true gem in the living room!
The Tofu is upholstered with high-quality and durable fabric – you can choose a suitable one from our wide selection of fabrics. Grab your favourite throw blanket, a good book, and a cup of tea, cosy up on the Tofu armchair and let the world pass you by.



Recommended fabrics

Poodle ash, Poodle camel, Poodle cream, Poodle linen



Sitting height

47 cm

Sitting depth


Width of armrest

12 cm

*Telli koju koos paigaldusega 79€
*Transport mandrile 39€, saarele 49€ (Sisaldab tellimuse toomist koduukseni, ei sisalda paigaldust)
*Vii ise meie järelkäruga tellimus koju 0€ (Selline võimalus on vaid Tartus. Meie salongi aadress: Riia 142)
*Võimalus minna ise tehasesse tellimusele järele 0€
Tehaste aadressid:
-Pajusi tehas. Rassi tee 9, Vägari küla, Põltsamaa vald, 48222
-Palivere tehas. Allikmaa, Lääne maakond, 90811
-Haapsalu tehas. Kiltsi tee 14, Haapsalu, 90403

The final price depends on the choice of fabric and combination. The fabrics shown here are just a small selection of our entire selection of fabrics, which can be found on the fabric page or in the salon. Preparation time 4-6 weeks.


Osta järelmaksuga

Tasu oma ostude eest mugavalt osamaksetega!

  • Limiit kuni 10 000 €
  • Kiire vastus taotlusele
  • Sissemakse alates 0 €
  • Osamakse alates 7 €
  • Haldustasu 0 €

Loe järelmaksu tingimuste kohta rohkem siit.

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